About Me

Books are my comfort food. Well, that and chocolate.

Short Bio

Feel free to use this if you’re interviewing me or talking about/reviewing my books.

Kate Tompkins lives in Montreal’s West Island, where she shares a small house and a big backyard with her husband and the latest in a series of very spoiled cats. She writes short stories, poetry (yes, the non-literary, rhyming kind), and the occasional essay. When not hanging out with her church’s writing group or getting lost down an internet rabbit hole, she can be found trying out recipes from old cookbooks for her cooking blog, Kate’s Virtual Kitchen, or outside lying in the hammock keeping the flowerbeds in order.

Other Things About Me

I’m an army brat. That means I’ve moved. A lot. I went to three different schools in first grade (yes, all in the same year), and I’ve lived in 18 different houses so far. Admittedly, some of them were in the same city, and we’ve been more than 20 years in our current home. But the first half of my life? Phew. I know what it’s like to be uprooted and dumped down somewhere else. That’s probably why the main theme in Tales from the Matthewsburg Manse is belonging.

Jobs I’ve held (not all paying): babysitter, Sunday school assistant, cashier at an automotive store, postmistress and rural route driver, legal secretary, museum volunteer, archaelogy volunteer, secretarial temp at a girls’ private school, editorial intern, editorial assistant, copy editor, proof reader and slushpile organizer at a children’s publisher, freelance indexer, writer and editor, classic car blogger, recipe blogger, audio transcriber, and now publisher and website builder.

You can also follow me on Goodreads. See what I’ve been writing and what I’ve been reading.

You can have nice things or you can have cats.
